Travel inspires my paintings. In 2007, during a trip to Mexico, I began painting some of the mural paintings that I saw in the streets of many small Mexican towns. By painting over the graffiti on their houses with different colours than the original wall, the locals would create amazing works of abstract art. Although at first glance the paintings may seem abstract, they are hyperrealistic in the same manner as my previous paintings. I feel the contrast between their original site specificity (Mexican streets) and their current placement (Sheraton Hotel) to be important.

Av. Independencia I., acrylic, spray on canvas, 120 x 200 cm

Av. Independencia II., acrylic, spray on canvas, 120 x 200 cm

Av. Juárez I., acrylic, spray on canvas, 200 x 200 cm

Av. Juárez II., acrylic, spray on canvas, 200 x 200 cm